Thursday, February 12, 2009

You better recognize (the voice)

Hello. I’ve been mostly MIA for the past few weeks which has been a result of 1) not having very much to say, and 2) being disinclined to type very much because of my wrist injury. Which I may add, I lied about earlier. It actually did result from heroics and impressive death-defying feats of stunning caliber and near perfect quality. They would have been dead on perfect if only I hadn’t stopped to wash those damned dishes. Aw well, at least they were heroic dishes.

The exciting thing, though, is that today I have activated my windows voice synthesis software which allows me to speak into my headset and words appear on the screen. No typing is necessary. Which is totally awesome because typing sucks right now. Which totally sucks because typing is just about all I have to do anymore, between class and thesis and work and… Oh yeah! My favorite mode of relaxation! Writing stories.

So I’m going to give this software thing a go. So far today I have used it for work, and now I’m using it for a blog entry. And more or less, so far so good. There was the whole “pulled in tree" — "blog entry” fiasco of two sentences ago, but I managed to fix that just nicely. Heroically, even.

So what exactly is up with my wrist anyway? Well, one month ago I heroically punctured my wrist while washing dishes. That healed within a week, no problem. Except for the problem of a huge, painful, itchy, frustrating red welt appeared in its place. The campus clinic Dr. Could not tell me what was wrong with it and so eventually sent me to a German tall adjust who could. (I like Dr. Could, I’m sure you can figure that one out. I also like the German tall adjust, which was supposed to be dermatologist in case you were wondering). The German dermatologist, who I don’t think was German, told me I have a keloid scar and he gave me a steroid injection.

This was on Tuesday. I’ve been wondering ever since then why the hell anyone would ever abuse steroids. There are far less painful drugs out there. Find one of them. In fact, I will go ahead and suggest pot because anyone suffering from ‘roid rage could really use a few hours in front of the TV with a bag of cheetos.

That’s really all the rest of the story. It hurts again. And it’s itchy. And it’s driving me crazy. But nothing terribly interesting. Oh, except that my once-again-reduced-gripping-ability cause me to spill coffee all over my lap yesterday at work. Which very nearly made me cry, because not only did I look like I had pissed myself, at work, but that coffee was supposed to have gone in my belly.

We also have a new leak in our ceiling which is dripping directly into the bathroom light fixture. Unfortunately for the sake of the story, it did not explode or cause mayhem or even act heroically. It just started happening, and now we’re waiting for the roofers to come patch up the roof.

Happily, though, class and thesis and work are all going very well. I am well into the interview portion of my thesis, and it is so awesome. I love talking with people about their knowledge and experiences. This has got to be the absolute best part of being a research psychologist. I absolutely love this.

Except for the not being able to type very well part, which I’m in the process of rectifying, I am really enjoying the semester. And I’m still holding out some hope that I will manage to graduate in May—though rational expectations are still pushing the toward graduating in December. But ah hell, rationality be damned!

I’ll update again either when I can type again or when I have a better hang of the software. But right now my throat is starting to get sore. My voice is tired. And so until we meet again, just imagine exciting heroics and death defying feats of spectacular proportions, or at least dream of a kinder world in which there are no dishes to wash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg, voice typing software. I totally want that!