Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ten Goals for 2010

Yeah, we all make resolutions, and yeah, we mostly fail in delivering on them. That may very well wind up being the case with these as well. But the whole point of making resolutions is to admit to yourself that you’re not where exactly you want to be, or at the very least, you’re not now where you want to be one year from now. The whole point of resolutions is to think about ways you can improve your life and improve your wellbeing.

I don’t personally believe in resolutions that will make you miserable (i.e., I will lose ten pounds or else I’m a worthless fat slob) because whether or not your meet your goal, you still lose. I think resolutions ought to be things that you want to strive for, for multiple reasons. Good reasons. Reasons that make you happy (i.e., I’ll eat better and then I’ll probably feel better). This way, you find ways to go about meeting your resolutions that make you happy. Means and end both = win.

My ten goals for 2010 are all about things that I want to do. Things that I enjoy doing. Things that I want to do more of. Things that I want to complete. Things that will make me happy, both in the means, and in the end. Whether these goals pile into the massive pile of undelivered promises to oneself, or build neatly into the structure of my evolving life, the motives and efforts behind these goals will increase my happiness and wellbeing. Or if not, eh. Screw ‘em anyway.

#1. Eat healthier.

This is a tricky goal, a common goal, and a commonly unmet goal followed by massive amounts of guilt—why can’t I just eat better? And no, I’m not really talking about me. I see this everywhere, hear this story from everyone. Americans are getting fatter as our food gets more and more crap. We want to eat better, but there are all these tantalizing commercials for tastiness, and ooh! just this once won’t hurt. But then the standard is set and just this once becomes the norm. I know how it is.

The trick for me this year will be to take on a new ‘healthier eating’ challenge each month. I’ll look at my diet, see what improvements I can (and want to) make, and then I’ll focus on that one thing for a month, normalizing a positive change. Right now? I really want to increase my fruit and veggie intake. So that’s my January challenge, to spend the month just trying to add more fruits and veggies into my belly. Twelve steps to healthier eating and all that.

#2. Write a book.

I easily have a half dozen books that are formed enough that I know the whole story. I can tell you the whole story. Why haven’t I written down the whole damned story? So I wanna do that. Tell the whole damned story. My goal is to choose one of these tales (or a new one if I am so inclined), and write it. I have two days before 2010 to pick. Then I’ll have the goal. After that, I just need the sustained resolution to make it happen. I really want to do this. I really want to try.

#3. First author two journal articles to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals.

This goal is easier than it sounds, I think. One article I already know can be used to meet a requirement for my Minor Comprehensive Papers, which I would like to complete during Summer 2010. Another I have been working on with my job off and on for a number of months. We just need to get it done, is all. This goal would be a good thing for my career development, and also I think it would be neat.

#4. Take Comps in the Spring, and complete Minor Comps in the Summer.

I will do these things regardless. They are required before I can get on with my dissertation research. The goal is the timeline. It’s a tough timeline, but a doable one I believe. So that is my goal. I’ve set this timeline as a kickstart to a longer timeline that will get me done with my PhD in 2012. Comps are scary and it’s gonna be hard, but I’ve decided that that’s all the more reason to throw myself into it and meet this challenge head on.

#5. Also walk away from my computer from time to time.

In the literal sense of ‘walking away.’ I’m ready to start hiking. I want to hike some of these beautiful trails on Oahu. Spend time connecting with the outdoors, decompressing from school and work and what have you. I’ve realized recently that it’s just in my nature to want to be out in nature. I shouldn’t deny myself that. Nor should I deny myself writing, because that too is in my nature. But I need some balance. I’m thinking a daylong hike every month. Any walks/ bike rides/ other outdoorsy excursions beyond that is cake. A daylong hike every month will take resolution and effort, but would improve my wellbeing. And therein lies the goal.

#6. Make contacts in Tuvalu for my dissertation.

I’m giving myself 2010 to figure out what exactly I want to do for my dissertation (get my proposal together, hopefully find some funding). It may not even wind up being in Tuvalu. I’ve found potential contacts on the internet, organizations that I think would be interested and willing to be involved in this sort of research. But I need to figure out what exactly I want to do, write some things up, and connect with people. I want to do all the prep work in 2010 so that I can walk in with more ease in 2011. I really want to do international research for my dissertation, and the threat of sea level rises to small island nations has touched my heart. So if I want to do this, and I do, these are the steps I need to take this year. So I must not get distracted by the every other things going on.

#7. Present at 2 or 3 conferences.

One is already in the bag. I’ll be presenting at PacRim again this year. Finding/ proposing/ being accepted/ getting to the other one or two will be the goal. And really, I love presenting at conferences so this will be great fun for me. As I’ve mentioned before, I love public speaking. It’s mingling that I fear. Cocktail parties and the like. But this’ll be a fun goal, I mostly just need to remember to do it before the year runs out.

#8. Hot yoga.

Leslie and I started talking about this recently, and I say we go for it. Once a week or two weeks, whatever we can fit into our schedule. I think that is a good idea. The cost isn’t so bad and I got the GSO executive council stipend to back up my lack of guilt for spending a bit of money on this thing. Also, yoga is good for one’s soul. I hear that hot yoga makes your body feel all nice and loose and detoxed. And also good for one’s soul is to go out and do something cool and relaxing with friends.

#9. Go out with my friends.

Even when I get terribly busy and stressed out, I must remember that it is okay to take a few hours out of my schedule to go chill out with people I like and have some fun. Michael and I are both poor and cheap, and plus I’m tired after working all week. Watching a movie at home is easier, but going out with people, or hey having people over, is much more beneficial.

#10. Lose this list.

Which might be a bit difficult since I’ll be posting it on my blog at New Year’s and then probably writing updates about it all year long. But I always try to end each to-do list with a ‘lose this list’ line item so that I don’t feel too bad if I fail to complete everything I set out to complete. Or anything I set out to complete. Or, if I do complete everything, best not to get too cocky about it.

2009 had some ups and had some downs, but it ended on a powerful strong high note and I’m feeling quite optimistic about the things to come. I’m hopeful for a good 2010, and I’m all set to take care of myself as I push forward with all of my goals.