Saturday, February 14, 2009

How did we celebrate Valentine's Day?

Of course you're wondering, since Michael and I are such romantic fools. Well, it all started like this.

On Monday, at his Spanish club, Michael made me a card that said, "Te amo mi vida! Que' tetas!"

Oh, I love that boy.

And today (Valentine's Day), I went out walking. When I came back, Michael said, "Was your walk eventful?"

And I said, "No."

"Oh," he said. Then added, "That's good."

"Well," I amended, "There was the teddy bear slaughter."

His eyes grew wide. "Uh, that sounds eventful."

I shrugged. "I missed the actual slaughter event. I only got to see the carnage left behind."

And I told him how, out on the corner of our street, this teddy bear was laid out as though it had just been slain. And so, of course, we went back out there to see it. Together, because it's Valentine's Day. And also, I brought a beer along. And also, Michael brought a camera.

Note that we did not move the teddy bear at all. This was how we found it:

And so, yeah. That was fun. But, later, when we went out to go grocery shopping (as you do on Valentine's Day), we saw that the bear had followed us. Just outside our apartment is an empty lot, and the bear had come along to wallow in its Valentine's Day misery by our place. Again, we did not move the bear. This is how we found it:

When we came back from shopping, it was still there. And, dude, we just couldn't resist. This is how we found him:

(In this one, you can see our apartment--it's the one with the lights on just below the No Parking sign)

Oht noes! The cops have found Vagrant Bear!

Eh, just let him sleep it off...

So that was our fun tonight. Then Michael made his famous chili and we watched Battlestar Galactica. Who says romance is dead?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings to you both and the anthropomorphized teddy bear! Thanks for sharing all the fun and the love with the rest of us.