Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Re: the way good news changes your mind

Wherein "changes" means "alters"

Something pretty damned cool has potentially fallen into my lap today. Between the minutes 10:00 and 10:01, my life potentially got a whole lot cooler. Then, between the minutes 4:35 and 4:36, the potentiality got a whole lot more probable.

Only thing is, it's gonna be another 24-48 hours before it becomes definite, or before it all comes undone. And the fact that it's leaning a lot toward definite has got me all squiggly inside, but I keep trying to force myself down to earth and trying to tell myself to be reasonable and not tell everyone I know about possible good news until... well, until I know for certain that I got some good news.

Also, the times listed above are approximates, but who really cares?

This evening, I was so excited with possibilities that I just could not sit still long enough to get my work done. So I took a trip to Longs, which is like Walgreens if you don't have them in your area. The sun had just set, but the sky was still lit. The air was cool and I could see rainclouds over Manoa valley, could feel a light mist dust against my face. Sometimes, here, rain blows over and hits you from other parts of the island.

By the time I got to the footbridge over Kapiolani, the mist was full-on. By the time I hit King St., the rain was falling. I was wet and frizzy and I couldn't stop smiling because of the possibilities, and I thought, good news changes your mind. The burgeoning night was alive and beautiful. The wind was sweet. I could feel my hair frizzing and maybe I looked like a crazy woman, but at least I looked like a kindly crazy woman because people smiled back at me as I passed them.

The tree in the park out front of Star Market, that tree that is big enough it could shade half a city block, it was loud with the songs of myna birds. Myna birds are the gangsta bullies that strut about and push all the other birds around. Sometimes they squawk, but sometimes they have very lovely songs. I've heard they can speak human languages too. Tonight they were singing lovely.

I'll know within two days if I have good news to share, or a near miss with which you can commiserate with me. I'm hoping for the former. Because, really, it would be so badass.

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