Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm going to Thailand

Yup. It's official. I"m going to Bangkok. And that is the bigfrigginhugeexcitingohmygodIcan'tbelieveitwtfetc news!

This completely fell into my lap. An email was sent out to the Psychology Department saying that a grant was available that would send a social sciences student to Bangkok to participate in a workshop looking at the effects of air pollution on people. So I emailed back and said I was interested because one of my major research interests is environmental justice. Well, six hours later, I was more or less confirmed. Twelve hours after that, I was totally confirmed.

I'm going to friggin' Bangkok!!!!

Out of nowhere!!!!

I can't believe this just happened!!!!

I can't stop squealing like a twelve-year-old!!!!

And, it all happens in less than two weeks. I'll be going to Asia for the first time, crossing the international date line for the first time, participating in an international think tank of smart people trying to save the world for the first time, and it happens in under two weeks. I'll be heading out on the 4th (after I vote) (not that it matters in Hawaii whether I vote or not), will arrive there on the 6th. I'll leave there on the 12th, arrive back on... the 12th. I think it's like a 18 hour flight (I was wrong, Mom, what I told you before), so in total it'll be 8 days of travel; 6 days in Bangkok.

Did I mention that it's expense paid?

Did I mention that I'm the luckiest person on earth?

This is my super happy dream goal of what I want to do in life, and I thought maybe, MAYBE in ten years I'll get to do things like this once or twice ever. But then this just fell into my lap now! I can't even believe it. This is the coolest thing ever. Squealing like a twelve year old, all over again.

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