Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spring Fever

So, not to brag or anything, but Honolulu weather in November is just like Memphis weather in May. I've got Spring Fever, and I got it bad.

May in Memphis is the point at which, finally, the many long several days of cold weather ends a few months ago. The air is wet and windy with thunderstorms and grass and budding vegetation and huge fat clouds and possibilities streaming like the stray spiderwebs that blow through the air.

November in Honolulu is the point at which, finally, the many long several months of hot, dry summer ends a few months ago. The air is wet with hazy misty rain and random storms that pour and humid warmth and strong winds that carry driplets from the clouds over the mountains several miles away. My hair flies in all directions and it's warm but not hot and it's humid but not muggy.

May was always my favorite month. The weather is perfect and people give me presents. November here is pretty awesome too.

Fall is the new spring.

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