Friday, June 6, 2008

A Modern Day Miracle

Dear Past Kati,

Dawg, I got this whole foot thing sewed up!

Okay, okay. I keep saying that I'm not going to get my hopes up too high, but let me tell you the Status Of The Foot.

I put the cane up last Sunday. I have since walked dozens of miles. My foot has been sore, twinging just a bit when I walk uphill. But I haven't felt Actual Pain in over a week. I can go up on my tiptoes. Repeatedly. And it's sore, but there is no Actual Pain. Not then, not the next day. My Physical Therapist, Ev, does this diggy thumb foot massage every time I go it (a la this CPR instructional video). It's one of those exquisite torture massages that hurts but somehow feels good anyway because it pokes right at the root of the pain. On Tuesday, there was very little pain. Yesterday, there was none. Little sore twinges sometimes, but no Actual Pain. I said to Ev, "Are you going easy on me today?" He said, "No, Laura" (he calls me Laura for Insurance Purposes) "I'm just doin' what I always do."

I am so active on my foot right now, what with the PT exercises and the walking and... still it gets better. It gets better and better. I walk places and giggle because I'm Walking Places! Pain free. Cane free. Aw, it's just awesome.

In related news, Past Kati, remember those worms you were planning on getting so you could compost stuff? Well, they're doing great. And as a matter of fact, I just harvested out first batch of compost and Michael and I planted two tomato plants, basil and oregano, along with some mystery seeds that appeared mysteriously at the Free Store on campus. I can't wait to see what they are. The worms are doing great. They have gone forth and multiplied, and they're still really cool looking, all glowin' blue in the sunlight. Awesome.

Okay, maybe that news wasn't related at all.

Take care, Past Kati. You're gonna love Spring 2008.

Present Kati

p.s. Hey Past Kati, do you remember when we went to Ireland and fell in love with scones? It was that time that we hurt our foot so bad, you know, that we were just talking about, just now? Well, in The Future, you will learn how to make scones, and they will be good. The Interwebs can teach you how to make anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic to hear. Congrats!