Monday, January 21, 2008

Two Things

I'll give a serious entry soon enough, with discussion on academics and politics and my life weaving through them, but right now is not the time for all of that. I have two things to mention.

One, I cut my hair today, and finally got my face back. It is two weeks since I got contacts and I only recognized myself today. I went back to my old haircut, the one I had years back before I got glasses, and now I can see myself again. Older, yes, but that is totally Kati in the mirror.

Two, we went to see Beowulf tonight at the dollar theatre. It was fun. But I have to say, the thing that impressed me most was that this was a movie, finally, with no pretenses. This was a movie that was quite comfortable shouting to the stars that these epic adventures, these action movies... they're all about dick.

That is all. Peace.

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